September 2007 Watershed Highlight of the Month

Upcoming Watershed Management Council 2007 Field Trip To Focus on Climate Change and Levees – September 21

Above: Sacramento Weir with American River in Background, March 1995 (30,000 cfs)

Above: Sacramento Weir map (from Sacramento Bee)

The 2007 WMC Field Trip will follow the California Watershed Forum on Friday, Sept 21.

The Field Trip (9 am - 3 pm) will tour wildlife areas along the Sacramento River that are conjunctively used for agriculture and flood control. We will also visit the Sacramento Weir, a key flood control structure that protects Sacramento, and view levee repair and re-vegetation projects. During lunch at a riverside marina, a presentation of reservoir re-operation issues will be provided. A tour of Delta development and land-use concerns will follow lunch, with a discussion of inevitable levee failures and impacts to infrastructure and water supply. Our guest speakers will include Stu Townslee from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Jeff Mount, from U.C. Davis (and former member of the California Reclamation Board).

For a detailed agenda and registration information, clicke here.

The Field Trip fee is only $55 and includes lunch.. Please email or call 714-932-8689 with any questions.

The Watershed Management Council was established in 1987 and sponsored the first California Watershed Forum in 1999. The WMC is a 501.c.3 non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the art and science of watershed management. Check them out at:

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